So, I’m moving out of my house in a week from tomorrow. In order to make the experience as painful as possible, I have of course found interesting ways to avoid the actual business of packing not least among them a renewed love of the sartorial arts.
Regard my latest projects:
A pair of gator p.j. pants for Jon. I learned how to do button holes for these. I also learned that when dealing with a o
A hanging bag. I made this for a friend (who shall remain nameless as she reads this blog of mine) who is the only person I know with a clothesline. I mean a real, outdoor, I’m hanging my clothes on the lin
That’s it. I had to pack the sewing machine. Maybe I’ll find a friend in Paris with a penchant for handcrafts. If not, I’ll just deal with it. I’ll live. I guess.
You and Laura are truly peas in a pod. I don't know how you'll do without each other. She'll be hitting you up for French craft magazines weekly. ;)