spent days getting ready for the big day. I was actually amazed by her planning skills. Not only did she manage to get enough dairy products to feed a small army into her European fridge,
she also baked two pies and prepped all the food for a sit-down dinner for TEN, all before the big day! She was so prepared, in fact, that by the time we arrived on Wednesday night, there was nothing to do, but read the recipes she had taped up all over the kitchen,
and play cards... because there's always time for cards when the Houston-Harmons are involved.
Thanksgiving day saw a frenzy of cooking on the part of Jamie and Jon. I arranged the cheese tray, made the Sidecars, and contributed these napkin rings/placecards:
Jamie's friend, Alexandria, brought over an organic, fresh turkey. We named him Alphie. He was good.
Surprisingly, nothing, I mean nothing, went wrong with the food prep, table prep, guest arrival, nothing! We all sat around the lovely table (flowers arranged by Jamie, herself),
to a delicious meal and good company.
I know I felt thankful to be able to spend my holiday with those so very dear to my heart.
The day after Thanksgiving, thank God, had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with shopping. Instead, we trooped off to some far corner of London to catch a Lily Allen concert! Steve loves her and I'm quite the fan myself. We got to the venue early enough to enjoy some space in the pit all together.
But once Lily came out, I had to get out of the crowd and find a cozy nook to stand in. Fairly easy, and from my vantage point I was able to enjoy the music and the Tartlette's costumes, complete with wig changes and a fantastic rendition of "Womanizer." If nothing else, that Lily Allen sure can entertain.
On Saturday, we got a Christmas tree. Jon, Jamie, and I decorated.
Steve helped, too...
That night, we cozied up to watch the FL / FL State game.
Although my dear Gators have since killed their undefeated streak, they had a fine showing that evening. I particularly enjoyed actually getting to see a Gator game, on the t.v., with sound, on a couch, while drinking cheap beer and gazing at a Christmas tree to boot. It was a good night.
On Sunday, Jamie and Steve went with us to St. Pancras in order to give us a proper send-off. It was our last time in London for quite some time, of course. It's funny, but this year has been so much better for having them only a two hour train ride away. I've spent a lot of time with Jamie and Steve in the past twelve months, and am going to notice the absence. But, it was good that we all went to the the station and ended our year together in the way we began it...
with drinks at the champagne bar! I always love a full circle, you know. I can't help it...it's the English teacher in me.
What a fabulously spectacular Thanksgiving weekend you had! The napkin rings are darling - and so is that little Christmas tree!