Monday, October 12, 2009

Hooray for Being Homeless!

After almost 18 months on the market, our sweet house on Silverwood Lane has found a new family.  I'm glad-- it wasn't made for lying empty.  We had a lot of fun in that place, but our plans have obviously changed from when we bought it four years ago.  And the best part?  No More Mortgage Payments!!

Lucky for us, the sale of the house timed perfectly with the start of oyster season here in France.  Jon and I both L-O-V-E oysters!  We've been deprived since May (you can always get them here, but they really aren't any good over the hot months), so celebrating our new homeless state seemed like the perfect occasion to get slurping!  We dolled ourselves up and headed down the street to the Hotel Lutetia and its brasserie, where we treated ourselves to a bottle of champagne and the grand plateau.  Delectable heaven!!

 Jon smiles at the challenge before us!

Knives?  We don't need no stinkin' knives (or most of those other things either).

A new discovery of deliciousness-- sea snails, the olives of the ocean!


Look at that little bugger-- salty and delicious (doesn't it kind of look like Ursela's body from "The Little Mermaid?"


We accepted the challenge and arose victorious, if not a bit fatigued...


... but there's always room (and energy) for dessert, of course.


  1. omg, I have never even SEEN some of those utensils before! It looks awesome!

  2. Congrats on selling the house. Although I am a little afraid that you two may never come back.
